There are many variations in speed in the water. These variations may be caused by a difference in hydraulic heads or by pumping. In order to measure the flow rate we use a flowmeter which consists of a very light propeller. The flow of the water can be analyzed by measuring the speed of the propeller’s rotations.
In order to measure the verticality of a borehole, the Verticality Probe is used. The measurement is based on a magnetometer which measures the angle between the probe and the magnetic north as well as the angle between the probe and the vertical. These two data can be combined to find the coordinates of the probe’s path through the borehole.
The sonic measure is based on the propagation of acoustic waves. The speed and the attenuation of these waves give information about the mechanical properties of soil materials. The sonic log measures the transit time and the amplitude of the waves and provides information on cement presence or not.
Only uranium, thorium and potassium-40 play a significant role in the natural radioactivity. The measurement of the natural radioactivity is based on a scintillation counter which emits a photon when struck by a gamma ray. A photomultiplier translates this emission of photons into electrical impulses which can be measured and allow detection of clay.
The camera inspection allows for photos and videos of the borehole. The camera has two lenses, for axial and radial plane direction. The radial lens can rotate 360°. The entire video will be saved on a USB or DVD of your choice.